Your research needs are unique.
So are our solutions.
Research is not one-size-fits-all. We will design your study to address your specific situation. This customization can take a variety of forms:
Employing proprietary methodologies that we’ve developed for specific strategic needs.
Adapting and combining traditional statistical analyses (conjoint, cluster, factor, etc.) to yield actionable insights.
Augmenting proven methodologies with new technologies, from mobile ethnographies to facial recognition and emotion detection.
Integrating and building on existing knowledge, from customer segmentation models to third party psychographics.
Maintaining a strategic outlook by working hand-in-hand with advertising agencies and marketing consultancies.
How We Can Help You
Branding and Positioning
A successful brand is built from the inside out to meet the needs of its customers in a unique and compelling way. Our branding research includes a variety of approaches that measure internal and external brand alignment, ensure operational consistency, and profile customers and prospects to ensure that your brand resonates with its targets.
Market Dynamics
Understanding the market and your place in it is critical to long-term success. Our marketplace assessments capture awareness, image, and preference metrics for your company and key competitors, track this information over time, and identify the trends that will significantly change the market you compete in.
Strategic Planning Support
The big picture matters as much as the details. We can provide strategic support in many forms: moderating executive planning meetings, representing the voice of the customer for your agency/marketing partners, integrating trendspotting into research exercises, and more.